Our circles

Muffins Circle

Peppers are basically a synonym for desserts that have been ingrained in our lips. In the dessert circle – the students learn to deal with baking materials, expand their circle of familiarity with materials, learn and experiment in an experiential circle that is not only but also food!

The Carpet Circle emphasizes the impressive preparation of desserts with simple ingredients that can be found in every residential area or even in every home. Love the girls circle very much. It’s a mess with a kitchen, a warm place that’s always inviting. This place of “food”, in the “mother” connotation heals many dark, painful or unsolvable places. Food has a great deal of significance, except “satisfactory” and not because they are connected to this circle and also want to prepare home-cooked food, baking bread or anything reminiscent of “home”.

Goals and Objectives:

Know how to read a recipe and make it right

Techniques and tips for baking secrets

Knowledge of baking materials and their intelligent use

Familiarity with dough types and dealing with them

Developing skills such as: dough frying, whipping and whipping and more.

Develop security to create and do

Hygiene in the workspace

Inclusion of failure as an unsuccessful product

Postponing satisfaction and education for patience until the final product is completed